Samstag, 24. April 2010

Books: Prom Nights from Hell

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How could I start how sould I end? This book is not as i thought it whould be, but it is kind of good, I have to say I´ve not finished the story of Stephenie Meyer yet, don´t know why...
But I´m lucky I bought it, like I said, it´s kind of good.
Def. worth reading

Good stories, XOXO Bigi

***I´ve read two german one too, but I wait till I´m ending "Bel Ami" to post about them.

Montag, 5. April 2010

Books: Special Post: Jack Ketchum

My first "Special Post" but certainly not the last. This is about Jack Ketchum

Hide and Seek, I have a other cover of Hide and Seek and surprise surprise it´s signed -I´m not kidding.
Dark Voices is the third Audio Book appearance of such a Audio Book thing "smile" And there´s a book thereby and this one is also signed "smile"

How could I explain how I get this two things from him? You think I just bought it on amazon right? No, that´s not true at all. I´ve got it from a very nice guy in NY City who has thousands thousands such book from Jack Ketchum and more authors, and he has it all signed and in a special copy. We get it contact - and we still stay in contact- and talked about Ketchum, he sent me a list of the books he have, and at least he sent me those books. I´m happy to have it, because how could I say that? Hide and Seek is a very thrilling story and such a good one too. So I have it second hand but signed from Ketchum himself.
And "father and Son" on of the stories in the Audio Book is a story I never expected to get, but I have it, in a special copy because I have a tiny book -signed- and a CD in wich Ketchum himself tells the story ( Father and Son and Forever)
His voice is just so dark and so damn frightened for me ...

So this was the special post about him, but there is more on his site, go and watch it!
I love to have the story´s "apsinth" and "The transformed mouse"

XOXO Bigi, maybe I get them anyway... Have a nice day!!!

Books: The picture of Dorian Gray , Beautiful Creatures

The Picture of Dorian Gray( 100% Cotton Version in green) Jeah right, I have this copy of it.
So where sould I start here? I mean it´s Dorian Gray, so everyone knows him and his story. Because of that, I want tell the story of the book, I hope you understand that.
My opinion:
I´m happy to have read it at least, I mean I want to read it for sooo long but I don´t bought it, but know just for 2.50€ , that´s nothing and so I read it.
At first I´ve had a few problems to understand all of it, but after a while I get in the story and it get more clear to me, what is it about or what they talking. So I just say, it´s Dorian Gray, it´s from Oscar Wilde and I really think It´s worth reading it!

I´ve read it in englisch, I don´t even know if it´s released in german. So what can I say about this fantasy book? I can tell that it is a really good written book, the story is good, thrilling and and just great.
This book is about a girl and a boy who fell in love with each other, I know this sounds just like 1000 books just new written and at the beginning it was just like that, and I was thinking "Gosh, she really read Twilight." But after a few more sites, it turned to a whole new thing, and i get excited about the srory more and more. So what is it about? Like I said, about a girl and a boy named Lena and Ethan, she´s new at school -smile- and he´s kind of a fancied guy at his school. But at this moment, it is completely different from Twilight or books like Vampire Diaries and such books, 1 there´re no Vampires in it and 2 it´s just different.
At first, they don´t like each other, or should I say, she don´t like him? But after a while, it just fits very well. They´re not really a couple but in the other way, they aren´t just friends. I can talk so much about this book, so much happened at this one, but I wan´t tell the whole story here, so I say STOP here! Just one thing at the end, things go complicated at least, and there´s no way out of that.
*This book is written in Ethan´s point of view, so you see his sight of the story.

At least I found out, that this is a series, a book-series with 5 books in it. So there will be more about Lena and Ethan soon. 2 book called "Beautiful Darkness" and will be released on
Okt 26th, 2010 .

XOXO Bigi, hope you write something back

Bücher: Amok im Kopf

Hallo ihr Lieben, hier bin ich wieder, ich habe wieder Zeit gefunden um ein wenig zu posten, deswegen ein weiterer Buchtipp von mir.
Ich habe dieses Buch zufällig in der Schule endeckt, und hab mir den Titel einfach aufgeschrieben, ich dachte es könnte interessant sein, wenn man das so nennen kann. Wie ihr sicher am Titel erkennen könnt, geht es um das Thema "Amokläufer " in diesem Fall am Schulen. Ich weis nicht wirklich was ich über dieses Buch sagen soll, wir alle wissen das es ein ernstes Thema ist, und man darüber einfach nicht richtig zu reden weis- so geht es mir- und deswegen sage ich nur so viel, in diesem Buch versucht Langman zu erklären wie es soweit kommen konnte, oder lasst es mich so sagen, er weist Möglichkeiten auf, was in dem Täter vorgegangen ist, ohne sich dabei wirklich 100% zu verbeissen, er greift viele Themen auf, wie Videospiele und Familie, aber auch die Psyche der Täter selbst, und unterteilt sie in Psychopathische Täter -Psychotische Täter und in Traumatisierte Amokläufer, wobei der Unterschied liegt und wer wer war, das wird alles sehr genau analysiert, was schlussendlich bleibt ist immer noch die Frage "Warum Sie?" ich habe in mein Buch reingeschrieben was ich zu dem Buch sage -einfach so- und geschrieben: erschreckend, ehrlich , grausam.

Eig. stelle ich auf meinem Blog immer Bücher drauf, die ich empfehle zu lesen, weil sie gut sind, oder weil ich sie gelesen habe und einfach meine Meinung darüber sagen möchte, hier ist es so, dass ich das Thema selbst interessant finde- soweit die Wortwahl hier treffend ist- und ich einfach wissen wollte wie dieser Mann (Psychiater) dieses Thema annimmt und verarbeitet. Und ich kann wirklich nicht sagen das es nicht erschreckend war, man blickt in das Leben der Täter und erfährt wie ihr Leben war, wie sie lebten und was sie dazu getrieben hat, oder auch wieder nicht. Schlussendlich kann keiner sagen warum, die Frage bleibt, so verbleibe auch ich.

Ein Buch das sehr ehrlich geschrieben wurde, und mich häufig zu einer Lesepause getrieben hat.